The Killam Fellowships Program

The Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the other country. Students may participate in the program either as a direct exchange student (registering at their home university, paying their home fees, and attending the host university as an exchange visitor) or as a self-placed visiting student (applying for and registering at the host university, and paying host tuition fees).

The Killam Fellowships Program offers a cash award of $6,000 US for a one semester exchange ($12,000 US for the academic year), along with a health benefit plan. The Foundation hosts all new Killam Fellows at an Orientation program in Ottawa each fall and again at a seminar in Washington D.C. each spring. In addition, all Fellows are eligible to apply for a mobility grant in an amount not to exceed $800. The idea of the mobility initiative is to allow students to undertake an educational field trip, providing the Fellows with the opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the culture of the host country. The Killam Fellowships Program also offers enrichment opportunities for alumni. In particular, the Fulbright Canada-Maple Leaf Community Action Program allows alumni to apply for a community enrichment grant to complete a volunteer-based project in their home or host communities. 

For any questions regarding the Killam Fellowship Program, please contact our office at

To view detailed information about our university partners, please check our Killam Partner Fact Sheets.

American University Partners Canadian University Partners
American University Acadia University
Arizona State University Brock University
Bridgewater State University Carleton University
Clemson University Dalhousie University
Florida Polytechnic University McGill University
Georgia Institute of Technology McMaster University
Ithaca College Memorial University of Newfoundland
Miami Dade College Mount Allison University
Ohio University Queen’s University
Smith College Saint Mary’s University
State University of New York College at Plattsburgh Université de Montréal
University of California at Irvine Université Laval
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa University of Alberta
University of Maine University of Calgary
University of Texas at Austin University of Ottawa
University of Virginia University of Prince Edward Island
University of Washington University of Toronto
Wellesley College University of Victoria
  Western University
  York University