Fulbright American Scholars 2024-25 |
Matthew Alford — 2024-2025 University of San Diego / University of Victoria |
Kanika Batra — 2024-2025 Texas Tech University / University of Alberta |
S. Megan Berthold — 2024-2025 University of Connecticut / Carleton University |
Robert F. Blair — 2024-2025 University of Nebraska - Omaha / University of Ottawa |
Sarah Blue — 2024-2025 Texas State University / Dalhousie University |
Kimberly Coleman — 2024-2025 University of Vermont / Vancouver Island University |
Claire Fox — 2024-2025 University of Iowa / University of Alberta |
Fernando Garcia Menendez — 2024-2025 North Carolina State University / Carleton University |
Sappho Gilbert — 2025-2026, 2024-2025 Harvard University / Nunavut Research Institute |
Heather Gordon — 2025-2026, 2024-2025 Independent / Nunavut Arctic College |
Mark Kaplan — 2024-2025 University of California - Los Angeles / Centre for Addiction and Mental Health |
Holly Karibo — 2024-2025 Oklahoma State University / Trent University |
Gregory Kessler — 2024-2025 The Ohio State University / University of Calgary |
Adrienne Krone — 2024-2025 Allegheny College / University of Calgary |
Karen A. Lash — 2024-2025 Georgetown University / McGill University |
Analucia Lopezrevoredo — 2024-2025 Independent / York University |
Saje Mathieu — 2024-2025 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities / Carleton University |
Robin McCrary — 2024-2025 Syracuse University / University of Waterloo |
Mehnaaz Momen — 2024-2025 Texas A&M University / McMaster University |
Katherine C. Pearson — 2024-2025 Pennsylvania State University / University of Ottawa |
Melissa Redford — 2024-2025 University of Oregon / The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation |
Mary T. Rodriguez — 2024-2025 The Ohio State University / University of Alberta |
Cole Cameron Scanlon — 2024-2025 Harvard University / University of Toronto |
Sarah Schmalenberger — 2024-2025 University of St. Thomas / University of Regina |
Stefan Simon — 2024-2025 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Carleton University |
Ayushi Sinha — 2024-2025 Independent / University of Calgary |
Romilla Syed — 2024-2025 University of Massachusetts / Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Mariam Thalos — 2024-2025 University of Tennessee - Knoxville / University of Guelph |
Jaye Johnson Thiel — 2024-2025 The University of Alabama / University of Calgary |
Aubrey Westfall — 2024-2025 Wheaton College - Massachusetts / Carleton University |
Changxiao Xie — 2024-2025 Empowerly / University of Toronto |
Fulbright American Scholars 2023-24 |
Samer Abboud — 2023-2024 Villanova University / Carleton University |
Jodi Benenson — 2023-2024 University of Nebraska - Omaha / University of Ottawa |
Jean-François Biasse — 2023-2024 University of South Florida / University of Calgary |
Rashida K. Braggs — 2023-2024 Williams College / McGill University |
Jennifer A. Bugos — 2023-2024 University of South Florida / York University |
Wendy M. Calvin — 2023-2024 University of Nevada Reno / York University |
Cher Weixia Chen — 2023-2024 George Mason University / University of Ottawa |
Martha M. Ertman — 2023-2024 University of Maryland - Baltimore / McGill University |
Yong Xue Gan — 2023-2024 California State Polytechnic University - Pomona / University of Regina |
Xun Ge — 2023-2024 University of North Texas / University of New Brunswick |
Jonathan Mark Gilligan — 2023-2024 Vanderbilt University / University of Calgary |
Rosanna Hertz — 2023-2024 Wellesley College / University of Ottawa |
Caleb Karges — 2023-2024 Concordia University Irvine / Université Laval |
Janet A. Kourany — 2023-2024 University of Notre Dame / University of Calgary |
Adam S. Kozaczka — 2023-2024 Texas A&M International University / University of Alberta |
Samuel R. Laney — 2023-2024 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution / Université Laval |
Michele K. Lewis — 2023-2024 Winston-Salem State University / Carleton University |
Kendall Marchman — 2023-2024 University of Georgia / University of Alberta |
Caitlyn D. Placek — 2023-2024 Ball State University / University of Toronto |
Aleta Quinn — 2023-2024 University of Idaho / University of Ottawa |
Lela Rankin — 2023-2024 Arizona State University / Saint Mary's University |
Cynthia C. Reyes — 2023-2024 University of Vermont / University of Alberta;University of Waterloo |
Brian Schoen — 2023-2024 Ohio University / University of Calgary |
Elizabeth Tandy Shermer — 2023-2024 Loyola University Chicago / Carleton University |
Cristina Stanciu — 2023-2024 Virginia Commonwealth University / King's University College |
Brent S. Steel — 2023-2024 Oregon State University / University of Victoria |
Sara Vogel — 2023-2024 Hawai'i Community College / Vancouver Island University |
Yudan C. Wang — 2023-2024 North Carolina A&T State University / McMaster University |
Joseph K. Young — 2023-2024 American University / The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation |
Kellen Zale — 2023-2024 University of Houston / Trent University |
Fulbright American Scholars 2022-23 |
Sara Eren Gilmer — 2022-2023, 2021-2022 Independent / Independent |
Aaron W. Hughes — 2022-2023 University of Rochester / University of Rochester |
Ann F. Garland — 2022-2023 University of San Diego / University of San Diego |
Catherine E. Weaver — 2022-2023 University of Texas - Austin / University of Texas - Austin |
Chad Montrie — 2022-2023 University of Massachusetts - Lowell / University of Massachusetts - Lowell |
Courtney Douglass Brown — 2022-2023 Southern Methodist University / Southern Methodist University |
Diana M. Liverman — 2022-2023 University of Arizona / University of Arizona |
Diane K. Jakacki — 2022-2023 Bucknell University / Bucknell University |
Elizabeth B. Elliot-Meisel — 2022-2023 Creighton University / Creighton University |
Imani Michelle Scott — 2022-2023 Savannah College of Art and Design / Savannah College of Art and Design |
Jeffrey T. Manuel — 2022-2023 Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville / Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville |
Jo Ellen Patterson — 2022-2023 University of San Diego / University of San Diego |
Joey F. George — 2022-2023 Iowa State University / Iowa State University |
Joycelyn K. Moody — 2022-2023 University of Texas - San Antonio / University of Texas - San Antonio |
Julija Sukys — 2022-2023 University of Texas - Austin / University of Texas - Austin |
Karl G. Linden — 2022-2023 University of Colorado - Boulder / University of Colorado - Boulder |
Katherine W. Bauer — 2022-2023 University of Michigan / University of Michigan |
Kevin Boudreau — 2022-2023 Northeastern University / Northeastern University |
Maria De Jesus — 2022-2023 American University / American University |
María Verónica Elías — 2022-2023 University of Texas - San Antonio / University of Ottawa |
Michael J. Hove — 2022-2023 Fitchburg State University / Fitchburg State University |
Michel A. Wattiaux — 2022-2023 University of Wisconsin - Madison / University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Mohan Tanniru — 2022-2023 University of Arizona / University of Arizona |
Patricia Shehan Campbell — 2022-2023 University of Washington / University of Washington |
Peter Felten — 2022-2023 Elon University / Elon University |
Pouyan Esmaeil Zadeh — 2022-2023 Florida International University / Florida International University |
Rachelle Gould — 2022-2023 University of Vermont / University of Vermont |
Shamiran Mako — 2022-2023 Boston University / Boston University |
Shushanna Lorenz — 2022-2023 Occidental College / Occidental College |
Susan A. Crate — 2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021 George Mason University / George Mason University |
Susan Hrach — 2022-2023 Columbus State University / Columbus State University |
Virginia Haufler — 2022-2023 University of Maryland - College Park / University of Maryland - College Park |
David M. Driesen — 2022-2023 Syracuse University / Syracuse University |
Fulbright American Scholars 2021-22 |
Kenneth Lipartito — 2021-2022, 2020-2021 Florida International University / University of Toronto |
Allison K. Shaw — 2021-2022 University of California - Berkeley / Université de Montréal |
Liang Zhu — 2021-2022 University of Maryland - Baltimore / University of Toronto |
Robert F. Blair — 2021-2022 University of Nebraska - Omaha / The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation |
Cáel Keegan — 2021-2022 Grand Valley State University / Carleton University |
Daved Barry — 2021-2022 Clarkson University / Carleton University |
Sahn-Wook Huh — 2021-2022 State University of New York - Buffalo / Carleton University |
Sarah Michaels — 2021-2022 University of Nebraska - Lincoln / Carleton University |
Herman Mark Schwartz — 2021-2022 University of Virginia / Carleton University |
Tiffany Chenneville — 2021-2022 University of South Florida / York University |
Andrew Raffo Dewar — 2021-2022 The University of Alabama / York University |
Rachel Epp Buller — 2021-2022 Bethel College / University of Alberta |
Arienne M. Dwyer — 2021-2022 University of Kansas / University of Alberta |
Ann Senghas — 2021-2022 Barnard College / McGill University |
Elizabeth L. Chalecki — 2021-2022 University of Nebraska - Omaha / Carleton University |
Jennifer Guiliano — 2021-2022 Indiana University - Purdue University - Indianapolis / University of Guelph |
Barbara Schwartz-Bechet — 2021-2022 Misericordia University / University of Calgary |
Marcia A. Mardis — 2021-2022 Florida State University / University of Alberta |
Lewis Fulton — 2021-2022 University of California - Berkeley / University of Ottawa |
Elizabeth Glass Geltman — 2021-2022 CUNY School of Public Health / University of Ottawa |
Mark Skidmore — 2021-2022 Michigan State University / University of Calgary |
Jane Kolodinsky — 2021-2022 University of Vermont / University of Alberta |
William J. Haller — 2021-2022 Clemson University / Balsillie School of International Affairs |
Ronald L. Mize — 2021-2022 Oregon State University / Balsillie School of International Affairs |
Cati Coe — 2021-2022 Rutgers University - Camden / McMaster University |
Howard Greenwald — 2021-2022 University of Southern California / University of Ottawa |
Goktug Morcol — 2021-2022 Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg / University of Ottawa |
Ann Marie Clark — 2021-2022 Purdue University / University of Ottawa |
Julia Hernandez — 2021-2022 CUNY School of Law / University of Ottawa |
Jordan Gross — 2021-2022 University of Montana / University of Guelph |
Ni-Bin Chang — 2021-2022 University of Central Florida / Lakehead University |
Jill K. Clark — 2021-2022 Ohio State University / Carleton University |
James A. McCann — 2021-2022 Purdue University / Carleton University |
Gwen Ottinger — 2021-2022 Drexel University / University of Ottawa |
Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle — 2021-2022 The College of New Jersey / University of Alberta |
Hongyin Tao — 2021-2022 University of Maryland - Baltimore / University of Alberta |
Kathryn Johnson — 2021-2022 Colorado School of Mines / University of Calgary |
Jonathan Rubin — 2021-2022 University of Maine / University of Ottawa |
Jason Edward Black — 2021-2022 University of North Carolina - Charlotte / Brock University |
James J. Sheng — 2021-2022 Texas Tech University / University of Regina |
Raghavan Srinivasan — 2021-2022 Texas A&M University / University of Regina |
Cara M. Djonko-Moore — 2021-2022 Rhodes College / Cape Breton University |
Nicole Dryden — 2021-2022 Independent / Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada |
Jamie McEvoy — 2021-2022 Montana State University / University of British Columbia |
Randall Harp — 2021-2022, 2020-2021 University of Vermont / McGill University |
Casey Johnson — 2021-2022, 2020-2021 University of Idaho / University of Calgary |
Sara Eren Gilmer — 2022-2023, 2021-2022 Independent / Independent |
Susan A. Crate — 2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021 George Mason University / George Mason University |
Fulbright American Scholars 2020-21 |
Holly B. Ernest — 2020-2021 University of Wyoming / University of British Columbia |
Jonathan R. Slater — 2020-2021 State University of New York - Plattsburgh / Bridgewater State University |
Jeffrey J. Reuer — 2020-2021 University of Colorado - Boulder / Carleton University |
Prosanta Chakrabarty — 2020-2021 Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College / Carleton University |
Harriette L. Spiegel — 2020-2021 University of Tennessee - Martin / Saint Mary's University |
Kenneth R. Richards — 2020-2021 Indiana University - Bloomington / University of Ottawa |
Thaddeus Pope — 2020-2021 Mitchell Hamline School of Law / University of Ottawa |
Teresa M. Bejan — 2020-2021 University of Oxford / McGill University |
Megan Robb — 2020-2021 University of Pennsylvania / University of Calgary |
Kenneth Lipartito — 2021-2022, 2020-2021 Florida International University / University of Toronto |
Randall Harp — 2021-2022, 2020-2021 University of Vermont / McGill University |
Casey Johnson — 2021-2022, 2020-2021 University of Idaho / University of Calgary |
Susan A. Crate — 2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021 George Mason University / George Mason University |
Fulbright American Scholars 2019-20 |
Alexandra R. Harrington — 2019-2020 Albany Law School / Balsillie School of International Affairs |
Jason Black — 2019-2020 University of North Carolina - Charlotte / Brock University |
Sterling L. Bland Jr. — 2019-2020 Rutgers;The State University of New Jersey / McGill University |
Laura Brown — 2019-2020 University of New Mexico / University of British Columbia |
Toni M. Calasanti — 2019-2020 Virginia Tech University / McMaster University |
Michael S. Carolan — 2019-2020 Colorado State University / University of Ottawa |
Cynthia-Lou Coleman — 2019-2020 Portland State University / Vancouver Island University |
Prentiss Dantzler — 2019-2020 Georgia State University / University of Toronto |
Janelle M. Diller — 2019-2020 University of Bern / University of Ottawa |
Heather E. Dillon — 2019-2020 University of Portland / University of Calgary |
Jessica M. Dolan — 2019-2020 Independent / University of Guelph |
Peter C. Fine — 2019-2020 University of Wyoming / Université du Québec à Montréal |
Austin J. Gallagher — 2019-2020 Independent / Carleton University |
Robert W. Gehl — 2019-2020 University of Utah / University of Calgary |
Randall Harlow — 2019-2020 University of Northern Iowa / McGill University |
Joanna Hearne — 2019-2020 University of Missouri / University of Alberta |
Jennifer L. Herbst — 2019-2020 Quinnipiac University / University of Ottawa |
Oliver J. Kim — 2019-2020 University of Pittsburgh / University of Ottawa |
Nancy Langston — 2019-2020 Michigan Technological University / Lakehead University |
Jessaca Leinaweaver — 2019-2020 Brown University / Dalhousie University |
Susi Long — 2019-2020 University of South Carolina / University of Alberta |
John Mortensen — 2019-2020 Cedarville University / University of British Columbia |
Soe Myint — 2019-2020 Arizona State University / University of Regina |
Louis Nemzer — 2019-2020 Nova Southeastern University / Carleton University |
Florence Neymotin — 2019-2020 Nova Southeastern University / Carleton University |
Thomas Rice — 2019-2020 Kalamazoo College / University of Alberta |
Jolene K. Rickard — 2019-2020 Cornell University / McMaster University |
Ronica N. Rooks — 2019-2020 University of Colorado - Denver / McMaster University |
Mary Stewart — 2019-2020 Florida State University / University of New Brunswick |
Fernando R. Tesón — 2019-2020 Florida State University / McGill University |
Beverly Trezek — 2019-2020 University of Wisconsin - Madison / York University |
Jyotsna Vaid — 2019-2020 Texas A&M University / McGill University |
Kristen Waring — 2019-2020 Northern Arizona University / University of Northern British Columbia |