Killam Fellowships - Canadian Student Application

The Killam Fellowships Program competition for 2025-2026 is open.

The next competition for awards to be taken up in the 2026-2027 academic year will open in August 2025.

Tips and Tricks

Before you begin your application, please take a moment to go through the program’s eligibility criteria. To be considered for a Killam Fellowship to study in the United States, students must meet the following requirements at the time of application. The student must be:

  • a citizen of Canada,
  • a currently enrolled full-time undergraduate student (BA, BSc or BAH)* in good standing at a degree-granting institution in Canada (*Professional degrees are normally not eligible),
  • expected to be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in good standing during the entire 2024-2025 academic year,
  • should they be selected for an award,expected to receive an undergraduate degree in the Spring of 2026 or beyond,able to meet the eligibility requirements and regulations of the home university,proficient in English,
  • in possession of a strong academic record, andable to complete all steps of the application process prior to the published deadlines.

Please note that candidates of the direct exchange program must be nominated by their home institution and that some partner institutions also choose to nominate their Open Competition applicants.

Prepare the following documents that will be uploaded to your application:

  1. Proof of Citizenship (pdf, 1 page, passport preferred)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (pdf, up to 3 pages, 12 point font, 2.54cm/1” margins)
  3. Unofficial Transcript(s) from all post-secondary education institutions that you have attended (pdf)
  4. Personal Statement (pdf, 1 page, 12point font, 2.54cm/1” margins)
  5. Supplementary Document Package (pdf, cover sheet, course selection forms, letter(s) of acceptance)
    • Your student advisor must complete the cover sheet and sign each course selection form.
    • Attach letters of acceptance if you are applying to the Open Competition Program and have already received them.
    • Your academic student advisor must calculate your cumulative grade point average (CGPA) based on a 4.0‑grade scale. Your CGPA is the weighted average of all completed courses at a post-secondary institution.

Helpful tips while completing your application:

  • Avoid using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS—use sentence case (e.g. John Smith, not JOHN SMITH).

  • Make sure you spell your name correctly and in English; do not use special characters.

  • Use only alphanumeric characters in the data fields. Special characters and accents (ä, é, ç, ñ) may not input correctly.

  • Complete all fields in this application in English. 

  • Take care to answer all questions to the best of your ability.

  • Please remember to save your application if you would like to take a break before submitting it.

  • Submit only the items requested. Unsolicited materials will not be included in the review process.

  • Once you SUBMIT your application, you can no longer make changes to it.