National Indigenous Good Governance Recognition Program

Nomination Period Now Closed

This biennial awards program identifies, celebrates, and shares outstanding examples of excellence in Indigenous governance and expands the capacity of Indigenous nation-builders by sharing their experiences and learning from the best practices of other Indigenous Peoples and Communities.

Recognition Categories
Building Sovereignty/Nation Building
Environmental Stewardship
Partnerships and Collaboration
Cultural Revitalization
Community Governance/Programming
Northern Nation Building

The Honouring Nations Canada Good Governance Awards recognize the efforts of Indigenous-led organizations. As such, the Honouring Nations Canada Circle of Advisors will need to verify citizenship/claimed Indigeneity with the nominee's stated Nation or Federally recognized First Nations or Métis Community, or Inuit Treaty Organization. Lived experience, accountability and connection must be demonstrated through a letter of support or other form of verification. If you are submitting an application on behalf of yourself or your organization, please provide a form of identification such as a treaty, status, citizenship or Inuit enrolment card for all leadership team members. If you are submitting a nomination for a third party, we will contact the nominee for this confirmation.

Indigenous-led means that a significant majority of the operational leadership is verified as Indigenous by their Nation and has gone through the verification process; Indigenous-owned; accountable to Indigenous Peoples, and where Indigenous Peoples are the beneficiaries (OR receive direct benefits).

The following types of organizations will be eligible:

  • Indigenous Nation Governments (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis)
  • Indigenous-led Collectives or Cooperatives
  • Indigenous-led not-for-profit organizations, including urban organizations such as Friendship Centres

The project or activity being recognized must be considered an example of excellence in Indigenous governance, and all the following criteria must be present:

  • Significance to Sovereignty: The Contribution strengthens self-governance and self-determination for the Nation(s) and is recognized by the Nation(s).
  • Effectiveness: The Contribution achieves positive and measurable results in addressing a key concern, problem, or challenge facing the Nation and its citizens.
  • Cultural Relevance: The Contribution fits, reflects, and strengthens the Nation’s culture.
  • Scalability and Sustainability: The Contribution’s concepts, principles, and practices are applicable to other governments, Nations, or communities and show promise of sustained effectiveness.
The nomination period is now closed, please check back for exciting news about awardees.