Fulbright Canada is an integral part of the prestigious global Fulbright program. It operates on the principle of reciprocal residential exchange, providing opportunities for outstanding American and Canadian students, scholars, and independent researchers to study, lecture, and/or conduct research in the other country.
Fulbright Canada programs that are aimed at supporting exceptional graduate students and early career independent researchers include field open traditional awards, opportunities for language teaching, and specialized programming in culture and digital storytelling. Student awards are normally one academic year; however, in some cases, independent researchers may take up their award for a period of six months.
Fulbright Canada programs that are aimed at supporting exceptional scholars and established independent researchers include the visiting research chairs program, specialized distinguished research chairs, field open traditional scholar awards, post-doctoral fellowships, and specialists awards. Research chairs and traditional scholar awards are normally taken up for one academic semester. Post-doctoral awards are an academic year or a calendar year. Specialist awards, which are considered on a continuing basis, range from two to six weeks.
Fulbright Canada provides specialized and innovative multi-country programming through our Arctic Council Arctic Initiative. These programs include a residential component, individual research projects, and collaborative research based on the collective work of the group. They normally run for 18 months.
Fulbright Canada offers awards for undergraduate students through our highly acclaimed Killam Fellowships program. These students normally spend one academic semester in the other country. In addition, they all participate in a fall orientation in Ottawa and a Spring seminar in Washington.
Fulbright Canada also provides programming for alumni through our Fulbright Canada - US Embassy in Ottawa Community Leadership program (CLP), our Fulbright Canada – RBC EcoLeadership program (ELP), and our Killam Community Action Initiative (KCAI).