Canada Inclusive/Exclusive: 150 years and Beyond

  • July 06, 2017
  • UCL Institute of the Americas, University College London

Fulbright Canada, in partnership with The Center for the Study of Canada at State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, the Institute of the Americas, University College London, and the London Journal of Canadian Studies, recently held a colloquium entitled “Canada Inclusive/Exclusive: 150 Years and Beyond.” The colloquium examined the relationship between Canada and inclusivity or exclusivity, while also addressing Canada’s future policy direction – a discussion that is important when reflecting upon Canada’s 150th year since confederation.

The colloquium itself was held at the UCL Institute of the Americas, University College London, from July 6th through the 8th, 2017 and included, inter alia, the following panels:

  • International Influences and Canadian Foreign Policy
  • Indigenous Peoples and Issues
  • Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada
  • Canadian Cultural Identity: Representation and Projection
  • Constructing Canada: Political and Historical Considerations
  • Constituent Inclusivity in Canada
  • Defining and Re-defining Canadian Identity

Various selections from the colloquium will be featured in a special issue of the London Journal of Canadian Studies in autumn of 2018. The LJCS, an on-line and open access journal, is published by UCL which has been recognized as one of the world’s top universities.