Whether they are in the public sector, the private sector, or the academy, Fulbright Canada alumni are leaders in their respective fields, champions of social action, and proponents of excellence. They remain committed to the core Fulbright mission; promoting mutual understanding at home and abroad.
Fulbright Canada has recently added new programs and opportunities for alumni, which are designed to add value to our existing programs and provide support for our more than 2000 alumni. For more details on these and other exciting initiatives, see Programs for Alumni.
Fulbright Canada encourages all of our alumni to stay involved. Please like our Facebook page, contribute to our Flickr gallery, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, drop by, or give us a call. Whether you are an American or a Canadian, a student or a scholar, living at home or abroad, we would very much like to hear from you!
We also encourage all Fulbright Canada alumni to get involved with the global exchange community by visiting the State Department's social networking sites.
The International Exchange Alumni (IEA) is an online global community exclusively for all past and current participants of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs managed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. With IEA, you will have access to other grant opportunities, research databases, and professional development resources, along with the ability to network with more than 100,000 alumni around the world and to read about what other alumni are doing in their communities.
Fulbright Students and Scholars are eligible to join this website upon starting the program. Due to the varied start dates for each Fulbrighter, it may take up to several months for each account to be verified as participant data becomes available.